1. To clear of a dust and a dirt press and conducted disks, and also a working surface of a flywheel. |
2. To examine a conducted disk. Cracks on details of a conducted disk are not supposed. To check up deterioration of frictional overlays. In a case if heads of rivets are deepened on distance less than 0,2 mm, a surface of frictional overlays is made oily or weakened заклепочные connections (or frictional overlays) it is necessary to replace a conducted disk. To check up reliability of fixing damperных springs in nests of a nave of a conducted disk, at the broken springs it is necessary to replace a disk. To check up palpation of a conducted disk if at visual survey it is revealed it коробление. If palpation exceeds 0,4 mm (it is measured on distance of 2,5 mm from an external edge of a disk), it is necessary to replace a disk. |
3. To examine working surfaces of a friction of a flywheel and a press disk, having paid attention to absence deep ticks, надиров, nick, obvious wear tracks and an overheat. Easing заклепочных connections of details of a press disk is not supposed. In the presence of the specified defects it is recommended to replace knots. To check up коробление a press disk, having put a metal ruler to its working surface. If probe in the thickness of 0,3 mm can be inserted in any place under a ruler to replace press a disk with a casing in gathering. |
4. External survey to estimate a condition diaphragm springs of a press disk. Places of contact of petals of a spring with the bearing of deenergizing of coupling should be in one plane and not have obvious wear tracks. |
5. To check up ease of moving in an axial direction of a conducted disk of coupling on шлицам a primary shaft. At the complicated moving to remove agnails with шлицов. Radial люфт a disk on a shaft it is not supposed. |