1. Press in by means of corresponding оправок external rings of both bearings in a nave. Thus to pay attention that smaller internal diameters of external rings should be directed in a nave. |
2. To establish the internal bearing in a corresponding external ring in a nave, preliminary having greased it консистентной with greasing. |
3. Press in to a nave заподлицо with an end face an epiploon, which working edge should be directed in a nave. |
4. To put in an internal cavity of a nave консистентную greasing and to establish a brake drum on a pin. |
5. To establish the external bearing in a nave, preliminary having greased it консистентной with greasing. |
6. To establish a washer and to wrap a nave nut. |
7. To establish a wheel and наживить bolts of its fastening. |
8. To adjust nave bearings (fig. subsection 8.2.5 see). |
9. To fill a protective cap of a nut of a nave on two third консистентной with greasing and запрессовать it into place by means of approaching send. Crushed and треснутые protective caps are subject to obligatory replacement (in order to avoid dirt and moisture hit in a nave). |
10. To lower the car on wheels and to tighten bolts of fastening of a wheel in regular intervals the moment 110 Н·м (11,0 кгс·м). |
11. To adjust a lay brake (subsection 10.13.1 see). |