1. To establish the car on a lay brake. |
2. To establish basic bars under back wheels. |
3. To weaken bolts of fastening of a forward wheel. |
4. To raise and establish on support a forward part of the car. |
5. To remove a wheel, having turned on definitively fastening bolts. |
6. To wash out the brake mechanism warm water and to dry. Application for clearing of brakes of gasoline, diesel fuel or any other mineral solvents is inadmissible. |
7. To check up deterioration brake pads through an aperture in the case Bracket. If the thickness of frictional overlays pads at least on the one hand makes less than 2 mm pads it is necessary to replace complete sets from both parties of the car. |
8. To disconnect block with wires from the gauge of deterioration brake pads. |
9. To turn away the bottom bolt of fastening of the case Bracket, holding thus directing finger with a key. |
10. To turn the case Bracket downwards round an axis of the top finger. To mark brake Pads if will be established again old Pads as replacement internal and external pads among themselves, and also between left and right wheels is inadmissible. It can lead to non-uniform braking. To remove brake Pads. |
11. To clear of a dirt and a rust of a detail of a brake, especially seats brake pads. Application for clearing of brakes of gasoline, diesel fuel or any other mineral solvents is inadmissible. |
12. If are established new brake Pads it is necessary to press the piston into the cylinder accurately. Thus to watch, that the piston did not warp. |
13. To check up correctness of installation теплоизоляционной linings. |
14. To establish on the basis Bracket brake Pads, watching that press springs stood vertically upwards and in parallel an upper edge brake pads. Old Pads to establish according to earlier made marks. |
15. To lower the case Bracket. |
16. To wrap the top bolt of fastening by the moment 35 Н·м (3,5 кгс·м), holding thus directing finger with a key. |
17. To connect block with wires to the deterioration gauge pads. |
18. To establish a forward wheel and наживить fastening bolts. |
19. To lower the car on the earth and to tighten bolts of fastening of a wheel in regular intervals on a diagonal the moment 110 Н·м (11,0 кгс·м). |
20. To press some times a pedal of a brake for piston installation into position. |
21. To check up level of a brake liquid in a tank and if necessary to add. |