Audi 100

1982-1990 of release

Audi 100
+ 1.1. Controls and devices
+ 2. Technical characteristics
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. An exhaust system
+ 6. The power supply system
+ 7. Transmission
+ 8. A running gear
+ 9. A steering
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. A body
- 12. An electric equipment
   - 12.1. Electric equipment system
      12.1.1. A technical characteristics
      12.1.2. Safety locks, the relay and management blocks
      - 12.1.3. The generator Removal and generator installation Dismantling and generator assemblage Check, survey and Troubleshooting generator details Adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of the generator
      + 12.1.4. A starter
      + 12.1.5. Illumination and the light alarm system
   + 12.2. Ignition system
   + 12.3. Electric schemes

меченые карты в Москве Check, survey and Troubleshooting generator details
1. To examine contact rings. If on them there are teases, risks, scratches, wear tracks from brushes, etc., rings it is necessary abraded. If damages of rings do not manage to be eliminated a skin, pierce rings on a lathe, removing the minimum layer of metal, and then прошлифуйте.
2. To check up an ohmmeter resistance of a winding of a rotor, having connected it to contact rings. Resistance of a winding should be 2,8–3,0 Ohm at temperature 20 °С.
3. To check up a control lamp, whether there is no winding short circuit on the rotor case. A tax on one contact of a control lamp an alternating current a voltage of 220 V (it is possible to use the storage battery and a lamp on pressure 12). Other contact of a lamp to connect to the rotor case. The second wire from a source of an alternating current a voltage of 220 V to connect serially to each contact ring. In both cases the lamp should not burn. If at least in one case the lamp burns, means there is a short circuit and it is necessary to replace a rotor or a winding.
4. To examine статор. On its internal surface there should not be traces задевания a rotor about статор. Otherwise to replace bearings of a shaft of a rotor or a generator cover.
5. To check up, whether there is no short circuit of windings статора on the case. A tax on one contact of a control lamp an alternating current a voltage of 220 V (it is possible to use the storage battery and a lamp on pressure 12). Other contact of a lamp to connect to a winding conclusion статора, and the second wire from a current source – with the case статора. Thus the lamp should not to burn. If the lamp burns, in a winding there is a short circuit, hence, it is necessary to replace статор or a winding.
6. To check up, whether there is no breakage in a winding статора. A tax on one contact of a control lamp an alternating current a voltage of 220 V (it is possible to use the storage battery and a lamp on pressure 12). Other contact of a lamp to connect to the case. The second wire from a current source serially to connect to each conclusion of a winding. In all three cases the lamp should burn. If at least in one case the lamp does not burn, means there is a breakage in a winding and it is necessary to replace статор or a winding.
7. To examine generator covers. If cracks, especially in places of fastening of the generator are found out, it is necessary to replace covers.
8. To check up ease of rotation of bearings. If at their rotation the rift or jamming of bodies качения is felt люфт between rings, it is necessary to replace such bearings. Also it is necessary to replace bearings with the damaged protective rings or traces подтекания lubricant.
9. To check up ease of moving of brushes in щеткодержателе. If brushes has jammed or they move hardly, to replace щеткодержатель in gathering. To replacement also is subject щеткодержатель if on brushes is сколы, cracks or other defects.
10. To check up the size выступания brushes from щеткодержателя. If it less than 5 mm to replace щеткодержатель.