1. To disconnect a wire from "the minus" plug of the storage battery. |
2. To remove the air filter (subsection 6.1.2 see). |
3. To turn away the top bolts of fastening of a transmission to the engine. |
4. To disconnect a cable of a drive of a speedometer from a transmission. |
5. To beat out a pin of fastening of the working cylinder of a drive of coupling from картера couplings. |
6. To remove the working cylinder of a drive of coupling and to put it aside, without disconnecting from it a hose. |
7. To raise a little the power unit талью or лебедкой. |
8. To disconnect a reception pipe of the muffler from a final collector and a transmission arm. |
9. To remove теплоизоляционный a guard of a cover of an internal SHRUS of the right semiaxis. |
10. To turn away bolts of fastening and to disconnect drives of forward wheels from flanges of semiaxes. |
11. To disconnect electricity cables from a transmission. |
12. To remove adjusting draught from two spherical fingers. |
13. To disconnect draught of a gear change from a spherical finger of the lever on a transmission. |
14. To remove spring bracket and to disconnect jet draught from a pin on a transmission. |
15. To turn away the bottom bolts of fastening картера couplings and to remove a guard картера couplings. |
16. To remove теплоизоляционные guards from a beam of a forward suspension bracket. |
17. To raise it is a little transmission. |
18. To turn away a nut of bolts of fastening of arms of a box to a beam of a forward suspension bracket. |
19. To turn away a nut of fastening and to remove the right arm of a transmission. |
20. To shift cautiously transmission back, having deduced its primary shaft from coupling. Then to lower a transmission and to take out it from under the car. |
21. To establish a transmission upside-down. Before installation to clear and grease Slots a primary shaft with graphite greasing, and also to put the internal ends of semiaxes on a beam of a forward suspension bracket. |