Once a year it is necessary:
1. To check up tightness of a hydrodrive of brakes. At подтекании a brake liquid to tighten nuts of fastening of brake hoses and tubes. If on hoses cracks are appreciable, anguishes, etc., hoses to replace. If by pressing a pedal of a brake any hose is inflated, it means that braid threads have torn. Also it is necessary to replace such hose.
2. To check up a condition of cables of a lay brake. If there are damages of covers or cables, cables to replace.
3. To check up a condition brake pads forward and back brake mechanisms. Worn out Pads it is necessary to replace simultaneously on the left and right wheels.
Once in 2 years during next THAT to replace a brake liquid in a hydrodrive of brakes. This operation is recommended to be spent in the spring.